You often see instances where a website will occupy consecutive places on Google for a particular search query. The second (and sometimes third) one of these used to be indented slightly, but Google doesn’t seem to be doing this any more.
Google will also display a link underneath these listings which says “Display more links from”
This is an extremely desirable situation as it draws the searcher’s eyes to your listing and greatly improves conversions.
So, how do you get this?
All you need is to have two pages listed on the same results page. Google will automatically place the second underneath the first.
What’s that you say?
For example, say you have a page from your site listed at number 1 for the keyword “search engine optimization tips“. If you can get another page from the same domain to rank on page 1, even if it’s at position 10, Google will push it to position 2. Pretty cool, hey?
Do It Yourself
To work out how to do this for your site, do a google search for your target keyword and notice which page on your site is listed highest.
Make sure “instant search” is off.
Next, set the search number to return 100 results in the Advanced Settings.
Do you have an indented listing now? If so, note down what the second page is. By building links and doing some on-page search engine optimization for that second page, you should be able to get it to rank on the first page, where it will jump underneath your first result.
You might also want to create a link from the higher ranked page to the lower ranked page using the keyword as the anchor text.
If you don’t see an indented listing with the search returning 100 results at a time, either look for the next listed page or create a new, highly search engine optimized page on your site and continue the process from there.
Easy enough?
Just wanted to thank you for this article, its very useful for me.