A wise man once said that everyone has a story to tell. Another promised everyone their 15 minutes of fame. Now, in the internet age, it’s never been easier to get your 15 minutes. Or more.
I believe everyone has unique experiences and insights that they need to share with the world. You are unique and you owe it to the world to share that.
For $90 up front and $10 a month thereafter, you can setup your own professional looking online publishing company, where you can write about and publish whatever you want.
The barriers to entry have never been lower!
As a side note, I’ve just released a free ebook that will take you step by step through setting up your own website. It’s so easy to do that my mum is going through it on her own. Her technical skills extend to using facebook, youtube and a word processor (even though she worked on some of the first mainframe computers in Australia back in the day).
It won’t take you long to set up a website, either. You can have it all set up and publishing as early as tomorrow!
“But” you say, “I don’t have anything worth saying” or “why would anyone listen to me?”
Valid questions, but yeah you do, and people will listen to you.
Forget the conventional wisdom that says you should write about what you’re good at… write about what you like and enjoy!
Write what you would like to read.
Start writing today and commit to writing and publishing every day.
Your writing will be atrocious when you start out. Everyone’s is. But you’ll get better with practise.
No-one won a Pulitzer Prize on their first article. Or even their thousandth.
Don’t try to make every article a masterpiece. Just write. Hit publish. Write again. Hit publish.
The barriers to entry are so low these days that no one has any excuse for not letting their voice be heard. The world wants to hear from you, why are you making them wait?
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